Oil Paintings

Quality & Affordable Oil Painting On Canvas

Transform your home and office with quality & affordable Oil Painting on Canvas, 100% hand-painted.

Affordable Oil Painting On Canvas

Oil Painting Categories

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Commission & Customised Option

Looking For A Customised Option?

Creativework SG is proud to have over a decade of experience delivering high quality handmade oil painting on canvas for various type of client, from home to office, indoor and outdoor, large and small.

Contact us today to place your order or schedule a free consultation.


What our clients say

Hear it from our clients.

Sharifah Juwita
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Thank you so much Nadya for your patience to accommodate my expectation and fussiness! Also for the complimentary delivery! Very nice painting. really Appreciate! Good Service, Great Quality! Keep it up!
Agnes Teh
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You guys did a good job and it is much more than I expected actually. I just gave you guys preference and you guys can do it exactly the same, I would say its flawless!
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I commissioned a painting as a wedding gift and it turned out beautifully! Everyone who has seen it thought the artist did a remarkable job creating a richly detailed painting from a complex photo!

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